Ignaz Lutz, 1922

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Violin made by and labeled "Ignaz Lutz #179, SF, CA 1922".
Ignaz Anton Lutz (1882-1927) was born in Vienna and studied under his father, Schönbach maker Ignaz Sr. He worked across Europe and the US, modeling instruments off his “Ehrlich” Strad from 1724. He is one of the finest makers to have settled and conducted business in San Francisco, CA. Notable players of his instruments include Fritz Kreisler, Zimbalist, and, Carl Flesch. He used a secret lacquer and “filler” to keep colors from fading over time or in the sun, a technique which died with him. Lutz made strings as well. (Universal Dictionary of Violin and Bow Makers by William Henley & The Violin Makers of the United States by Thomas James Wenberg)
Length of Back- 356mm
Upper- 168mm
Center- 110mm
Lower- 205mm